
Our client is a leading Eastern European quarry company. Its main activity is related to the extraction and supply of natural sand and gravy. As the company’s production was continuously growing, the number of workers and the labor costs were increasing as well. Besides, the client had a problem with data accuracy and fidelity. Since most of the data processing was performed manually, there were always many errors, typos, and missing information. The client’s team sent us a request to create an all-in-one quarry management platform that would digitize all the data and optimize the core company’s workflows.


Before approaching us, the client used some ready-made solutions. But they didn’t fully satisfy the company’s needs, so we had to develop the quarry management software from scratch. To build a system that can solve the client’s problem, our team had to learn the specifics of the quarry industry. We also had to ensure that the reliability of the solution is at the highest possible level since the company’s efficiency, productivity, and profitability would depend on it.


  • RFID passcard system
    Allows the company to track the time when an employee enters the system and what tasks they perform
  • Automated data processing
    Reduces paperwork and helps to leverage the collected data effectively
  • Utilization monitoring
    Helps the company’s staff track wear and tear; sends alerts when certain machines need to be replaced
  • Vehicle identification
    Allows employees to identify the company’s vehicles by scanning their numbers and photos

Scope of work

To complete this project, our team did comprehensive research, analyzed the client’s business, and main operations in the company. We provided the full-cycle development services that covered the following stages:

quarry automation software


We built robust quarry management software that automates the company’s core operations and facilitates data digitization. The solution also integrates with the client’s CRM and accounting systems. As a result, the client managed to improve its production process and received a number of other benefits:

  • 1000+ hours of work saved
    The platform speeds up processes, so workers can do more in a shorter period of time.
  • 2.7x increase in accuracy
    By automating data processing, the solution significantly reduces the risk of human error.
  • 24/7 visibility
    The solution allows the company’s managers to monitor quarry operations around the clock.
  • 50% lower labor costs
    With the quarry management platform, the client needs fewer workers to scale the production